Archive | December 2013

Things I Believe

…I believe…

There are angels among us–people who are sent for the purpose of comfort or guidance. If you’ve ever been blessed with a visit from an angel, if something has occurred you can’t explain, if you’ve felt comforting arms around you in times of fear or trouble…you may be a member of the group who believes there are angels among us!

angel hugs

Best Year Ever!

Empty Promises

Are Our Resolutions Real Goals

…or Just Empty Promises?

Traveling Through This Life
I count them—like the numerous sunflowers of a Kansas field—Those people who pass through my life for a moment—or longer;
I treasure them—like the rare shell found after the ocean’s tide—Those people who emerge victorious through life’s turbulence;
I acknowledge them—with an engraved plaque “for services rendered”—Those people who take the time to inscribe on my heart a new song;
I wish for them—like those wished on a hundred falling stars–A lighthouse on the shore to guide them away from life’s  dark, lonely places;
I invoke for them—like the sacred prayers of intercessors—The courage to create from a shattered past a future that is  undiminished and abundant;
I promise them—with the assurance of experience—The powerful force necessary to mold a life of health , beauty and happiness lives inside your own spirit.
Van Hess, 2004

empty shell

It was 2004 when I wrote the message of Traveling Through This Life at a significant juncture in my life. Since then, like all of us, I have been dealing with other things; and I must admit I’d forgotten the promises I made in my heart for people who came into and through my life.

Digging in a bottom drawer the other day, I found an old file folder. You know, the kind we all have where you toss things you probably won’t need. I was about to throw it out, but reached to retrieve it and nearly fell out of the chair! When my hands touched it, I looked at the words and was immediately overcome with sadness.  What had happened to cause me to let these penned promises pass me by unfulfilled. I felt as if I had failed my friends and associates. Tears formed in my eyes making it hard to read to the end.

Would I have ever admitted what a failure I had been–as a friend, guide, intercessor, supporter–if  I had not run across these words?  Probably not since “ignorance is bliss” and we can’t fault ourselves if we don’t think about it at all.

  • I had forgotten to make people feel the way I promised them.
  • I had not prayed for them or treasured them or helped them.
  • I had not even thought of some of them for years now.

My heart began to feel empty and the tears streaked my face because I knew by not living up to my promise to them, I had lost opportunities—to be a friend and to have a friend. In some cases, I had even lost the chance to make a difference because they had left this life. My negligence may have caused hardships for some without the encouragement they needed or were expecting.

Do I even have the right to ask someone to help me if I failed those I had promised to help?  If we get another tomorrow, we get another chance–the chance to fulfill those promises.  This time I must act upon it.

Many of us will make decisions in the next few days and develop a plan of how we want to change our lives. We think about it, make lofty goals, tell everyone what we will accomplish…then somewhere along the days or months they fall by the wayside. How can you concentrate on people in your everyday life if you are constantly focused on the “lofty goal” that awaits somewhere in the future.

Let’s admit, few of us would ever make a statement like this:

I can’t listen to you right now because I have a goal of making myself more available to people in the coming year !

Sadly, that’s exactly what we are telling people if we have tunnel vision about our goal. We might just miss the opportunity to experience a blessing or fail to be used for a blessing.

You can still do something for others.  It’s not too late.  Maybe spend the next day or two contemplating how you can help and just do it.  If you just plan it, that’s all it is:  a plan.  But if you do it, it becomes something more.  It becomes a blessing or a kind word or just a hello to someone who needs it.  Give it away…it’s easy…just do it!


Forget past mistakes.  Forget failure.  Forget everything except what you are going to do now and do it.

Will Durant

Please visit here often and “Leave a Comment” about how you are dealing with life’s struggles and winning some victories. I, too, pledge to leave you messages here as to how it’s working for me.

Empty Tree

Empty Tree

What do we do now that the tree looks so empty?

If that’s what your are wondering today, it may be a perfect time to gather the family round the tree, hold hands and say a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s gifts and opportunities of this past year.  Every person may have a different thing for which they are thankful.  Sometimes though, families may have the same thanks and wishes for the days ahead.

God honors the requests and prayers of those who remember to give Him the praise for what they already received.

It’s not too early to think about your plans for how you will contribute to your family, your community, your church, your own future when the calendars change in just a few days to 2014.

If your tree looks empty, fill it with faith, hope and love.

And now three things remain; faith, hope & love…and the greatest of these is love.  [ I Corinthians 13:13]

Christmas Wishes


There are angels among us and

Christmas wishes can come true

Hope your many wishes, prayers and thoughts are strengthened with the joy of knowing it’s possible.  There’s nothing as precious as wishes made in your heart at Christmas time.

May peace fill your mind and heart today and for every day of the year(s) ahead. There is no greater peace than what God offers.

Whisper a prayer, and let this angel deliver it to the heart that needs it most…I just did and sent it to you..


One of my all-time favorite singers with a great song.  Thanks, B. J. Thomas, for all the music through the years…and for this particular one!

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.  Luke 2:14 KJV

Traveling Home or Leaving Home

Click below to listen

Traveling home ~ Leaving home ~ Missing family ~ Finding friends ~

Check your compass ~ you may be going exactly where you are meant to be!

Louisiana Red Dirt Highway – Oak Ridge Boys featuring William Lee Golden (from “It’s Only Natural”)

The Right Road?

Setting your feet on a new path for 2014? Try applying the words above as a test for knowing if it’s the correct one.

I’ve spent too many years looking back, re-thinking my actions, regretting what I did.  Now, I’m focused on seeing the road ahead and building memories on positive reaction to what I choose.  If that’s the goal you have for the coming year, I wish you a year filled with dreams that come true.  But first you must recognize the dream and then believe it is possible, and then just LIVE IT…

Visit this site often to let me know how those dreams are being realized.

Click my “Leave a Comment” beside this post to let me know if you are dreaming big for 2014!

© Van Hess and New Journeys on Old Roads, 2013

Road with Message

Road with Message

When you are traveling, it helps to have a clear conviction of where you want to be. If you think the path is leading you in the wrong direction…do something about it.



3 Ways To Be At Peace Now

Positive and Purposeful Approach to Life. Enjoy this blogger’s thoughts! ~ Van Hess

Let Yourself Learn

IMG_0992Today driving back to Chicago from my parents’ house in the suburbs I was particularly cautious because of the dark flurry-filled highway.  Night was fast approaching on my drive home and by the time I reached the city streets there was no longer any sunlight to aid me.

When I had stopped at a light on Lincoln Avenue I glanced out the car door window.  Suddenly I realized it was not a low-visibility snowy evening, but a crisp clear night.  At this I instinctively prompted the wiper fluid.  Lo and behold I had been unnecessarily struggling from something I had expected even before I got in the car, a night where the air was filled with snow, which would be difficult to drive in.  The night air was as clear as it had been on any cold cloudless night in Chicago and I just did not realize all I had…

View original post 255 more words

“I’ve learned …

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou


A great site


Dear Reader, I am here to give you a little taste of poetry with some water on the side. When you come on my blog that's all that you will taste is Poetry. Not the type of poetry where it doesn't have a meaning. The type of poetry where you will be inspired, uplifted and you will have a different mindset once you leave this site. You might even come to get a taste of this poetry again. Don't be afraid to let your kids read this blog. My poetry is for and to help the youth. Bring them along with you. You both are scrolling down your phone or on the computer anyway. Let's have fun and get a taste of some poetry. I promise this type of poetry tastes delicious. Grab a plate and a fork and I'll feed you. ENJOY!!!!


This site is the bee's knees

Derby City Rambler

Real Life. Real Stories. Real Words.

Poems & People

what if poems could be symphonies, and people their orchestra?


A great site

Gabriel Lucatero

The Official Website

A Stairway To Fashion

imagination is the key


Smile! You’re at the best site ever

Redbird's Roost

The Future Is As Bright As The Promises Of God

Willis Island Walking

The story of a completed walk for charity around a desert island in the Coral Sea

David J. Bauman

Co-author of Mapping the Valley

Dan Frugalberg

Life lived simply


To encourage, edify, and inspire

S.P.I.R.I.T Ministries

Inspired by: GOD

Line Of The Week

Miscellaneous Utterings From Best Friends

Ray Ferrer - Emotion on Canvas

** OFFICIAL Site of Artist Ray Ferrer **