Archive | January 2015

Back to the Beginning

I had the chance to drive through my birthplace a few days ago.  Does anyone know what you are supposed to feel when you re-visit the past?  I didn’t have a plan or a place to put that experience.  But when you arrive, you might as well see it all.

It’s just Small Town, Texas.  It has the obligatory “old” post office, the usual run-down Main street, and more than one place that is older than me!  The highways leading to it are dotted with either farms, crops growing or dying from drought, “fracking” for natural gas sites or oil wells pumping. The land is so flat you truly can see for miles!WP_20150114_09_35_39_Pro

I felt a little warm hug when I turned off the Interstate and saw that “welcome to” sign.  It’s not like I was raised there–only first grade then we moved.  But I am sure I saw some shadows around the old theatre and the original hotel of folks who had lived there longer than I’ve been alive.  Those kind of towns don’t change much.  They don’t usually have a Starbucks or a dozen choices of drive thru restaurants.  They still conduct business at the courthouse on the town square.  There are still a few stores operating on the perimeter of the square.  And they usually have a “town opry” or a “fairgrounds”or at least a “city park” or “town square.”WP_20150114_09_56_25_ProWP_20150114_09_59_37_Pro

Not sure what I expected to do on that short drive through town.  But it did make me feel grateful that some things, like Small Town, Texas, still exist.  They make good places to drive into and out of taking just a little piece of memory.  Most of the tour around town was more in my mind than through my camera lens.  I probably can’t explain what I felt to anyone, but then, they are my own memories. So glad I took that turn off the fast lane.

Back to the Interstate, set the cruise control, and head on toward more flat land in west Texas.


Is there a town like this in your past? Hope you have a chance to re-visit and reminisce.  WP_20150114_10_15_29_Pro


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Dear Reader, I am here to give you a little taste of poetry with some water on the side. When you come on my blog that's all that you will taste is Poetry. Not the type of poetry where it doesn't have a meaning. The type of poetry where you will be inspired, uplifted and you will have a different mindset once you leave this site. You might even come to get a taste of this poetry again. Don't be afraid to let your kids read this blog. My poetry is for and to help the youth. Bring them along with you. You both are scrolling down your phone or on the computer anyway. Let's have fun and get a taste of some poetry. I promise this type of poetry tastes delicious. Grab a plate and a fork and I'll feed you. ENJOY!!!!


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