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Searching For Your Dream


Originally posted October 2013


Traveling down a two-lane Texas highway a few weeks ago, I had one of my favorite CDs playing. For more than 40 years I’ve listened to the Oak Ridge Boys and loved every kind of song they’ve recorded. I even named my new car “Elvira” and love to blast that 1981 hit when I’m marking those miles. Oh, and here I guess I should mention I’m a senior citizen?

A little over a year ago, I retired after 48 years of working. The day I turned 65, I said my goodbyes and wanted to get out my map and compass to find my new path.

But I had to face surgery and rehab first, so I delayed even acknowledging my dream let alone acting upon it. Actually I didn’t even have a vision of the plan–I couldn’t see anything there but a vague shape like the imagined face you see in a cloud. All I knew was it would include writing (based on the encouragement of a high-school teacher who told me to NEVER STOP WRITING).

I was singing along to the lyrics of the Oak’s song “Before I Die.” There’s a part that says:

While I can still breathe…

while this old heart still has another beat,

it’s time I put some livin’ in these dreams

…and those words–along with the Oaks’ unmatched harmony–collided into an almost religious experience reaching clear down in my soul and pulling out all my hesitation and fear shouting clearly to me:

if not now—when?

I’ve had that feeling that the earth moved a bit on its axis only a few other times in my life; i.e.,

  • when my children were born,
  • when I achieved a long-time academic dream,
  • when I made a huge turn in the road (a relationship) which landed me on the correct path.

It took me only a few days to see the outline of the dream as clearly as if the blueprint had just been delivered to me marked “complete and ready for construction.” The idea came to me so vividly and I knew exactly how I would capitalize on the broader audience available through technology. So now, believing it’s MY time, I sat down to create a blog.

Now about that new-world creation called a blog…as soon as I found out what it meant I decided I’m actually thrilled with the idea a blogger’s words can live for “infinity and beyond” – how cool is that? So off I went into the blogosphere.

Then, I had to have something to put on a newly created blog, and I thought about my life. I figured others think about that, too, so I would write about something I knew better than any subject. Me! and there it was…my dream from long ago…my challenge. I’m so glad I recognized it even if it was 50 years older now (maybe it was because my vision/thoughts were 50 years older now, too). The realization was exciting as I unrolled the blueprints; they magically were complete, visible and clear. Thus was born New Journeys on Old Roads – Traveling with Van Hess

Here’s something I’ve learned. Managing dreams involves a little patience, magic and opportunity. Sometimes we walk away in haste tending to the mundane things of life and forget we must tend our dreams. Sometimes we just push them away and ignore them and they seem to wither away. But sometimes they just won’t let go of you. Here I would warn you that not allowing them to develop can often leave you with regrets. My experience with regrets is that they are not worth having; they drain your joy and bog down your mind.

Obviously, my life, like that of many people, contains hiccups and hindrances—but my fervor and need to share it overrule; and I can truly say even with the pain vs the love, the tears vs the laughs, life has more often than not tipped the scales in favor of the good outweighing the bad. If you’re stuck in the bad, maybe making a list of “Good Things” vs “Bad Things” would be a good exercise; and it may surprise you just how quickly your scales will tip in favor of good things.

Since life required me to have a practical side, I worked detail-oriented jobs; but the dreams always crept into my mind during those 48 years of working. It took both sides to live my life (oh, I should mention here I’m a Gemini–the twins).

Listening to the lyrics of that song while I traveled an old familiar road, I’ve been down a hundred times, it seemed as if I’d been dropped down on a new road I’d never traveled. The words made all the difference to me. I knew I would not be ready to leave this world unless I “put some livin’ in those dreams.”

OK – I’m packed! Got my map, compass, my music, my computer, my camera, all in my car named Elvira!

See you down the road! If you need a little help in identifying your dreams, find a quiet place, take a back road, and let them find you!


Listen:  The Oak Ridge Boys and “Before I Die”

Follow me on Twitter @ VanHessTXred

Information regarding reference to “Before I Die” BEFORE I DIE 
(featuring William Lee Golden)-------- 3:53 Woody Mullis & Trey Matthews 
© 2011 Sixteen Stars Music (BMI)/Egan’s Creek Music (BMI) 
Administrator: HoriPro Entertainment Group, Inc. 
Visit the following site for news, music, history & tour dates of the 
Oak Ridge Boys:  

Don’t Miss the Chance


It is often hard to distinguish between the hard knocks in life and those of opportunity. ~Frederick Phillips


Seize every opportunity along the way, for how sad it would be if the road you chose became the road not taken. ~Robert Brault

 Created with Nokia Camera

A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties. ~Harry Truman


Grasp your opportunities, no matter how poor your health; nothing is worse for your health than boredom. ~Mignon McLaughlin



Traveling With Me


Today is the first anniversary of this blog, so I wanted to let you know I appreciate your spending time here.

If you’ve been traveling with me for the last year, THANK YOU for hopping on board.

If you are reading this post and visiting this blog for the first time,  WELCOME to my journey. 

 I’m reminded about the message of love I gave my children:th3US0WZ7J

If I could write a blueprint for living, I would wrap it in love, tie it with ribbons of hugs & present it to you anytime you need to be reminded you are God’s child.”

I hope my message has been clear, both to my children & grandchildren.  I believe in treasuring the wonderful times & even the troubled days…for how can you know you are blessed if you haven’t seen the other side. 

To say that I’m in my second “life” would be an understatement…I’m living again and maybe fully for the first time…but I can clearly see it’s right for this time.

When I retired, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to do.  I thought my purpose was over.  Now I’m finally understanding that I am here EVERY DAY for a purpose.  It has amazed me the people who have followed my blog or tweets who connect because of a comparable belief, thought or interest.  I never imagined some of those casual contacts would become true friends across the miles – but that’s what has happened.  I didn’t imagine either that old acquaintances would re-visit me emerging from this new tool.

I’m honored to hear from my readers with comments such as:

  • “I needed your thought today” 
  • “Thank you for caring”
  • “ Welcome to my world”
  • “Hope to meet you”
  • “Good to see your post”

With a dream in my heart, I knew it was time to live it! Nothing fades faster than an opportunity not explored.  Writing has been my passion, so I began this journey one year ago. It is here on these blank pages I can pour out my thoughts, beliefs, ideas & words.  It has become my peaceful place to offer a word of encouragement or a lesson learned in my life. 

Having come through some health issues, daily I’m grateful I’m still standing upright & even standing!  I’m really careful about where I step, walk & things I do…but for the most part…I’m trekking down paths I never thought I would be able to explore.

New Journeys on Old Roads has become more than just a title for my blog; it has come to describe my life more than I ever imagined. 

  • Sometimes the roads are rough, so I slow down and approach with caution. 
  • Sometimes they have detours, so I look for an alternate route. 
  • Sometimes they are brand new black-topped roads over what used to be dirt, so I speed up a bit. 
  • Sometimes I get lost…but I get out my map, connect to my GPS, and try again…a lot like what happens when you fall down or fail.

If something I’ve presented here has been helpful, I invite you to post a comment or contact me in other methods listed here on this blog.




Where Imagination Takes Me

There are no rules for architecture for a castle in the clouds

G. K. Chesterton

Do You Have a Dream?

You Are Not Alone… 

[Before you begin to read this, click the video below,
open it and let it play while you read. Chopin touches my 
heart in a spiritual way!]

A comparison to music and dreams may seem a bit strange, but I believe they are very much alike.  And I like the idea that a dream is akin to music notes flying across time and space.  Some say that musicians and dreamers are less than realistic emphasizing both pursuits are a bit ambiguous and elusive.  True, you can’t hold them or look at them or put them in a box…but the results born out of either is like unto love…and that is real.

You may have experienced that life puts you right in the middle of living with no time for fanciful things–like dreaming.  I was one of those giving excuses for holding my dreams inside of me letting them become distant and unattended.  I had hushed the joy of my melody by keeping the music silent.

Then, circumstances changed.  Even after I had the opportunity to sing my song for all to hear, I hesitated.  Sometimes we actually are afraid of our dreams…we are afraid to make the music if others will hear it.  We’re a little embarrassed about what we think is good and maybe someone else would call it shallow, inferior.  Even after I’d found the time to pursue my dream, it took me a while to be brave enough to step into the abyss of my imagination.  So just recently I found a way to put a life-time dream into action, and the music (words) began to flow freely…and you’re reading it now!

I believe the words I write are like music playing all across the internet – straight from my heart to yours.

I INVITE YOU to dream, make the music, take the chance, play the song even if it is not yet concert worthy.  For living your dream is the most satisfying and joyous thing you can do.    Sad that we give in to denying ourselves the joy; but how much more lovely our world would be if we did not hold our dreams and music hostage inside us.  To make the world more beautiful and peaceful, we must set them free.


On this blog, you can leave your dream.  You can test out your ideas.  This is a place you can share with others.

Like a secret, some say a dream loses its strength if  you share it.  Others say it confirms its validity when you hear it echoed from your thoughts into words.  Again, this is how dreams are like music.  Imagine this…the music is there even before the piano key is pressed, before the strings are strummed or the voice emits a sound.

You may have a valid point when you say you’re hesitating because someone else is squashing your ideas and dreams.  I understand that.  I’ve been in that place.  It takes a strong belief in yourself, your self-worth, your abilities, and a lot of extra effort to dig out of such a negative place.

Here, I may need to remind you:

what is inside of you is yours…you must own it, defend it, direct it and it’s no one else’s responsibility.  Therefore, you cannot blame your failure to try upon someone else.  Well, you can, but it does nothing to promote achievement of your personal goals.  And it’s no one else’s business how you dream your dream.  How do you know if a dream is worth the effort?  If it burns inside of you, then it’s worthy.

After you have established the belief that your dreams are worth pursuing, the next step is to research it, check out others who are doing what you want to do, read their stories, play their compositions.  The struggle others have experienced and the roads they have traveled to victory is an important lesson for you to know.  Maybe it’s time to let what’s inside you have its voice and let it go where it may.  Think how many you could influence if you put feet to that dream and wings to that music

I will publish your wish, your dream, your goal so others may see faith in action. 

Or if you just want to write it down and don’t want the world to know, I will keep it safe for you.

If you are in the midst of that negative place, read about others who found the strength to work their way out.  If you doubt your abilities, go ahead and try; you will either succeed or fail.  If you want to make the music, find a quiet place and begin your symphony.  Starting over or stepping onto another path is never easy, but what awaits is pure joy and peace.

Let the music out of your soul~
Let it fly across the world to others.Music Notes in Circle
“Don’t die with the music still in you.”  Wayne W. Dyer
By clicking Leave a Comment beside the title of this story, you can leave your dream for safe keeping or to share with others.  I will leave this as the top story for a month for you to write, revisit, share with others, and say what you wish to about your dreams or the music you are composing in your life.
You may also follow me on Twitter by clicking the “Follow Me on Twitter” on my home page or by clicking this link:
You may follow this blog by e-mail and be notified when new posts are published.
© Van Hess and New Journeys On Old Roads, 2013-14

Searching For Your Dream

roadTraveling down a two-lane Texas highway a few weeks ago, I had one of my favorite CDs playing. For more than 40 years I’ve listened to the Oak Ridge Boys and loved every kind of song they’ve recorded. I even named my new car “Elvira” and love to blast that 1981 hit when I’m marking those miles. Oh, and here I guess I should mention I’m a senior citizen?

A little over a year ago, I retired after 48 years of working. The day I turned 65, I said my goodbyes and wanted to get out my map and compass to find my new path.

But I had to face surgery and rehab first, so I delayed even acknowledging my dream let alone acting upon it. Actually I didn’t even have a vision of the plan–I couldn’t see anything there but a vague shape like the imagined face you see in a cloud. All I knew was it would include writing (based on the encouragement of a high-school teacher who told me to NEVER STOP WRITING).

I was singing along to the lyrics of the Oak’s song “Before I Die.” There’s a part that says:

While I can still breathe…

while this old heart still has another beat,

it’s time I put some livin’ in these dreams

…and those words–along with the Oaks’ unmatched harmony–collided into an almost religious experience reaching clear down in my soul and pulling out all my hesitation and fear shouting clearly to me:

if not now—when?

I’ve had that feeling that the earth moved a bit on its axis only a few other times in my life; i.e.,

  • when my children were born,
  • when I achieved a long-time academic dream,
  • and one other time when I made a huge turn in the road (a relationship) which landed me on the correct path.

It took me only a few days to see the outline of the dream as clearly as if the blueprint had just been delivered to me marked “complete and ready for construction.” The idea came to me so vividly and I knew exactly how I would capitalize on the broader audience available through technology. So now, believing it’s MY time, I sat down to create a blog.

Now about that new-world creation called a blog…as soon as I found out what it meant I decided I’m actually thrilled with the idea a blogger’s words can live for “infinity and beyond” – how cool is that? So off I went into the blogosphere.

Then, I had to have something to put on a newly created blog, and I thought about my life. I figured others think about that, too, so I would write about something I knew better than any subject. Me! I sat my feet firmly on the ground…and there it was…my dream from long ago…my challenge. I’m so glad I recognized it even if it was 50 years older now (maybe it was  because my vision/thoughts were 50 years older now, too). The realization was exciting as I unrolled the blueprints; they magically were complete, visible and clear. Thus was born New Journeys on Old Roads – Traveling with Van Hess

Here’s something I’ve learned. Managing dreams involves a little patience, magic and opportunity. Sometimes we walk away in haste tending to the mundane things of life and forget we must tend our dreams. Sometimes we just push them away and ignore them and they seem to wither away. But sometimes they just won’t let go of you. Here I would warn you that not allowing them to develop can often leave you with regrets. My experience with regrets is that they are not worth having; they drain your joy and bog down your mind.

Obviously, my life, like that of many people, contains hiccups and hindrances—but my fervor and need to share it overrule; and I can truly say even with the pain vs the love, the tears vs the laughs, life has more often than not tipped the scales in favor of the good outweighing the bad. If you’re stuck in the bad, maybe making a list of “Good Things” vs “Bad Things” would be a good exercise; and it may surprise you just how quickly your scales will tip in favor of good things.

Since life required me to have a practical side, I lived that way for those 48 years…but my other self (oh, I should mention here I’m a Gemini–the twins) said it was OK to dream. So I’ve always dreamed of not “having” to do something but “wanting” to do it.

Listening to the lyrics of that song while I traveled an old familiar road I’ve been down a hundred times, it seemed as if I’d been dropped down on a new road I’d never traveled. The words made all the difference to me. I knew I would not be ready to leave this world unless I “put some livin’ in those dreams.”

OK – I’m packed! Got my map, compass, my CD, my computer, my camera, all in my car named Elvira!

See you down the road! If you need a little help in identifying your dreams, find a quiet place, take a back road, and let them find you!

Please leave your comments and let me know if you enjoy this content.  You are Traveling with Van Hess on

Listen:  The Oak Ridge Boys and “Before I Die”

Follow me on Twitter @ VanHessTXred

Information regarding reference to “Before I Die” BEFORE I DIE 
(featuring William Lee Golden)-------- 3:53 Woody Mullis & Trey Matthews 
© 2011 Sixteen Stars Music (BMI)/Egan’s Creek Music (BMI) 
Administrator: HoriPro Entertainment Group, Inc. 
Visit the following site for news, music, history & tour dates of the 
Oak Ridge Boys:  
Listen to their song, “Before I Die” on this 
youtube address:

A great site


Dear Reader, I am here to give you a little taste of poetry with some water on the side. When you come on my blog that's all that you will taste is Poetry. Not the type of poetry where it doesn't have a meaning. The type of poetry where you will be inspired, uplifted and you will have a different mindset once you leave this site. You might even come to get a taste of this poetry again. Don't be afraid to let your kids read this blog. My poetry is for and to help the youth. Bring them along with you. You both are scrolling down your phone or on the computer anyway. Let's have fun and get a taste of some poetry. I promise this type of poetry tastes delicious. Grab a plate and a fork and I'll feed you. ENJOY!!!!


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